Archive for August 2024
First Shots: Smith & Wesson CSX
In general, I like Smith & Wesson products. Dating back to the ancient 1980s when I first qualified with a Model 64 revolver, I’ve owned and carried their guns on and off. Currently, my main everyday carry (EDC) choice is the Smith & Wesson Shield Plus. Recently, I got the chance to put some rounds…
Read MoreBudget Optic Review: Sig Sauer Romeo 7S
I’ve used a lot of Sig Sauer red dots over the years on pistols and rifles. I keep going back to them because they’ve been reliable and usually sell at a good price point. Early in 2024, I decided to try a new red dot, the Sig Sauer Romeo 7S. 8 months later, I’m ready…
Read MoreSituational Awareness Series: Reading the Signs
A couple of weeks ago, we talked about the Cooper Color Code System which gives us a common language to describe levels of situational awareness. We also talked about the OODA Loop some time back and how it helps us process situations and how to decrease our response time. This time we’re going to discuss…
Read More1791 EDC Organizer Review
There are people out there who walk around all day with nothing more than a car key, a driver’s license and a credit card, and feel good about that. If that’s how they want to roll, that’s cool for them. But then they’re coming to guys like me asking for a knife, a flashlight, a…
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